Harry Hutchinson Awarded MASCI Skilled Trades Apprentice of the Year

Harry Hutchinson, 43, of Tecumseh, Mich., was awarded the Michigan Apprenticeship Steering Committee, Inc Skilled Trades Apprentice of the Year for the state of Michigan and a $1,000 cash prize on Dec. 21, 2016.
The MASCI committee recognized Hutchinson, a graduate of the Ann Arbor Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Center, for his outstanding leadership, academics, work, community and charitable services.
Hutchinson is a founding member of the Union 4 Life breast cancer charity, and has helped it raise over $50,000 in four years for the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center.
“Harry is the finest type of person,” AAEJATC Instructor Lew Neeb said. “He is the kind of man that goes the extra mile, cares for other people and inspired others to do the same.”
Hutchinson also received the 2015 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Apprentice of the Year Award for the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam in Washington, D.C., in April.
“Harry is an outstanding person that excelled during his apprenticeship, but to be honest he is more of an example of our students than an exception,” AAEJATC Training Director John Salyer said. “He is a great example of the fine men and women that make up the union electrical workforce of NECA/IBEW Local 252.”
For more information on the AAEJATC or Union 4 Life charity contact us at union4lifecharity@gmail.com or (734) 475-1180.