Meet Our Team: Lew Neeb, AAEJATC Instructor

Meet Our Team: Lew Neeb, AAEJATC Instructor
Lew Neeb is an instructor at the Ann Arbor Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training center. Lew helped the AAEJATC/IBEW Local 252 apprentices form Union 4 Life in 2012.
Lew said he wanted to help start Union 4 Life as an opportunity to be a part of something that is doing good works for others. Lew said it’s important to him to continue being involved with the Union 4 Life charity becomes it allows him to see the apprentices grow in both skill and knowledge, as well as people.
“As an instructor at the school I have the unique point of view that allows me to see apprentices grow in skill and knowledge,” Lew said. “More importantly I get to see them grow as citizens of the human race. To see these fine people really begin and grow in the understanding that we are all connected and that we are our brothers’ keepers is by far the best part of my involvement with Union 4 Life.”
Lew said his favorite memory of a past Union 4 Life event is listening to the researchers and doctors at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center.
“My favorite memory is listening to the research doctors who use this money that we raise,” Lew said. “They use this money to begin research on therapy’s that someday could put an end to this awful disease. Life is precious and so very short. The most fun you can have in this life is to do something else not expecting to be repaid in any way. You don’t have to do everything, but everyone can do something.”