Meet our Team: John Salyer, AAEJATC Training Director
Meet our Team: John Salyer, AAEJATC Training Director John Salyer is the Training Director for the Ann Arbor Electrical Joint...

Meet Our Team: Patrick Ulanowicz
Patrick Ulanowicz is a 4th year apprentice at the Ann Arbor Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Center. Pat has been on the Union 4...
Gene expression patterns could help predict treatment for breast cancer, research shows
This article was originally posted on the News Medical Life Sciences website. A Michigan State University breast cancer researcher has...

Looking beyond cancer cells to understand what makes breast cancer spread
This article was originally posted on the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center Website. Date Visible: 02/15/2017 - 11:15am...

IBEW 252 Apprentices Present $20,000 Check to the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center
The IBEW Local 252 apprentices and the Ann Arbor Electrical JATC training director and instructors presented the 2017 Union 4 Life check...

Harry Hutchinson Awarded MASCI Skilled Trades Apprentice of the Year
Harry Hutchinson, 43, of Tecumseh, Mich., was awarded the Michigan Apprenticeship Steering Committee, Inc Skilled Trades Apprentice of...